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VRChat Paw-ty Popper!

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VRChat Paw-ty Popper!

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Have virtual high-fives been falling a bit flat? Craving a burst of excitement to make those celebratory moments truly pop?

Well, dust off those dull digits and kick the party up a notch with...

The Paw-ty Popper!

What is it?:

The Paw-ty Popper is a high-five-powered confetti cannon made to liven up any celebration! Made with a Contact Receiver, a Particle System and an Audio Source, this popper's designed to be fit onto your hand and will shower you and your friends in a colourful burst of confetti with every slap!

The popper is pretty much a recreation of Vat19's "Confetti High-Five", substituting the Velcro hand-strap with my patent-pending "Paperclip & Sticker" technique!

The purchase will give you access to a photoshop file for the texture and a unitypackage including a prefab, the FBX file of the popper, textures, materials, animator, and audio file.

Additional Help:

The setup is super easy, thanks to VRCFury!

You simply import the package into a Unity avatar project already setup with VRCFury, then drag the prefab onto one of your hand bones, tweak the position and rotation of it (If you scale the prefab you'll also need to scale the Particle System), and voila! Upon uploading or hitting Play, VRCFury should do the rest and add it to your avatar and your Expression Menu!

A guided tutorial video is available here which goes through each step of the process. (The tutorial is for a different asset but the setup is pretty much identical)


You can:

  • Customise the model, texture, and particle system anyway you'd like.
  • Use the model for VRchat, NeosVR, CVR, 3D prints, or Youtube and Twitch.

You can't:

  • Resell, redistribute, or give away any of the files, even if you've heavily modified them.
  • Claim to be the owner of the product.


  • A button that spews confetti into the air with a satisfying "pop" sound every time it makes contact with someone!
  • Everything's set up, you just need to use VRCFury to add it to your avatar!
  • Pre-made Particle System.
  • Will work for VRchat and probably any other uses you can think of.
  • Pre-made texture and Poiyomi Material.
  • An in-depth tutorial video on how to apply it to your avatar.
  • Does NOT work for Quest! (yet) - currently only functions on PC.

Planned updates:

  • Quest Compatiability

At some point I may make the popper work on Quest. Quest doesn't support Audio Sources (at the time of writing this), but they do support Mesh Particle Systems. The particle system currently used by the popper is a 2D billboard particle system though, as this is far more optimised than rendering meshes. In the future, I may make an alternative Prefab that has a Mesh Particle System for use with Quest avatars.

  • Mirror visibility

As of now, the particles don't work in mirrors. If I made the particle system to be a Mesh Particle System, they would! But that would be at the slight cost to optimisation. As stated above, I may eventually make an alternative prefab with a mesh particle system which would solve this issue, or perhaps a new shader will release that will allow 2D billboarded particles to be visible in mirrors (I know nothing about shaders though, so I'm not sure if that's even possible! xP)

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16 sales

A Unity Package containing the FBX model, textures, materials, audio, animations, and a prefab!

Skinned Mesh Renderer
Material Slots
Particle Systems
Contact Receivers
6.06 MB
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